18 "Hydrodynamische Aspekte sehr großer Containerschiffe“

Mewis, Friedrich; Urban, Manfred (2001), Schiffbauforschung 40, Nr. 4, 2001

25 “Very Large Container Ships – Difficulties and Potential from the Hydrodynamic Standpoint“

Mewis, Friedrich; Klug, Hilmar (2003), The International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2003, September 23-26, Shanghai

27 “Ultra Large Container Ships – Difficulties and Potential from the Hydrodynamic Standpoint"

Mewis, Friedrich; Klug, Hilmar (2004), Ocean Engineering International Journal, Volume 8, 2004, Nr.1, St. John’s, Canada

28 “The Challenge of Very Large Container Ships – A Hydrodynamic View”

Mewis, Friedrich; Klug, Hilmar (2004), PRADS 2004 Conference, Lübeck

29 “Hydrodynamic design challenges for very large container ships”

Friesch, Jürgen; Jensen, Gerhard. Mewis, Friedrich (2004), HANSA, 141. Jahrgang, Nr. 9, 2004

31 "Zur Antriebsleistung von sehr großen Containerschiffen“

Mewis, Friedrich (2005), Jahrbuch der STG, Band 99, 2005

33 “Minimising Fuel Consumption“

Klug, Hilmar. Mewis, Friedrich (2006), Shipping World and Shipbuilder, September 2006

35 “Container Vessels – Potential for Improvements in Hydrodynamic Performance“

Hollenbach, Uwe. Klug, Hilmar. Mewis, Friedrich (2007), PRADS 2007 Conference, Houston

49 "Sieben Containerschiffe mit BTF erfolgreich im Betrieb”

Mewis, Friedrich (2013), Schiff und Hafen, Nr. 7, 2013

50 “Power- and Cost-Savings for Container Vessels by Hydrodynamic Energy Saving Devices”

Mewis, Friedrich; Deichmann, Fred (2013), 4th International Ship Efficiency Conference, Hamburg, September 2013, STG-Jahrbuch 107. Band, 2013, S. 153 -155

51 “Six Years Mewis Duct – Six Years of Hydrodynamic Development”, STG Sprechtag “Energy Saving Devices”

Mewis, Friedrich (2014), Hamburg Okt. 2014, STG-Jahrbuch 108. Band, 2014, S. 157 - 164

52 “Model tests with and without Mewis Duct at BSHC and other towing tanks”

Mewis, Friedrich; Zimmermann, Olaf (2016), 13th International Conference on Marine Sciences and Technologies, Varna, Bulgaria, Oktober 2016

54 “12 Jahre Becker Mewis Duct”

Mewis, Friedrich (2021), STG, 116.  Hauptversammlung; Kiel, November 2021